Padbury Pharmacy MedsCheck
Keeping healthy can be overwhelming sometimes. And if staying healthy for you involves juggling multiple medications, then this can be additional stress when you’re not an experienced pharmacist or doctor. Which is why in 2015, the Commonwealth of Australia and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia introduced the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA) to provide everyday people with the advice and support that they need to ensure medication is being taken responsibly and effectively. And the best part about it, is its free!
This 5-year agreement means that you’re able to pop in to your local pharmacy and seek advice from people you trust, to review your medications individually and overall to ensure optimum health results. Padbury Pharmacy is proud to be a part of this initiative and encourages their loyal customers to arrange a time for us to sit down with you one-on-one and make sure you’re as healthy as can be!
What happens in a Padbury Pharmacy MedsCheck?
One of our friendly and knowledgeable team members will sit down with you in a private consultation and review all your medication based on your current health conditions. This gives us the best opportunity to see if any medications that you are taking can be reduced/removed if they are no longer needed, or if any medication in conjunction with another is influencing the effectiveness of that medication. This can be time saving, cost effective and crucial for your well-being.
These consultations can also be a great opportunity to sit down with us and ask any questions you may have about your healthcare. If a brand name has been changed and you’re unsure of its replacement, or if you’re curious about cheaper substitutes for the bigger brand names, or even whether it’s more effective to take certain medications in the morning or at night, we are here to ease your mind and make sure you’re better educated about your health.
Who should book a Padbury Pharmacy MedsCheck appointment?
If you have any questions regarding your healthcare, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our team members, but especially if you are taking 5 medications or more (including OTC and complimentary medicines) it’s a good idea to book an appointment for a MedsCheck.
If you’ve recently made changes to your medication and would like to check that this has not influenced its effectiveness, a MedsCheck can be beneficial.
If you have Type 2 diabetes, we do offer a Diabetes MedsCheck that focuses on your diabetes medication management, your monitoring devices and your self-management to ensure that your overall care is at the highest of standards.
How do I book a Padbury Pharmacy MedsCheck appointment?
You can make an appointment with us at whatever time best suits you. Once a time is arranged, all you need to bring along is your medication so that we can go through each one of them, making sure that you are getting the most out of them. These consultations can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the amount of medications you take.
In the time since we have taken part in this initiative, we’ve seen some really happy customers walk away feeling empowered and educated about their health and their medications. We love being able to find solutions to your medication problems and supporting you in your healthcare journey.
For more information or to book your next MedsCheck appointment at Padbury Pharmacy, call us on 9401 7101.